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Redefining How We Set Goals

3 Steps to More Successful Outcomes

Lisa Murphy

In this ever-changing, fast-paced world, having a sense of direction is essential.

Have you ever dreamed of doing something, when you thought you had followed all the steps the "gurus" tell you to reach that goal, only to find yourself months or years later wondering what happened to that goal that seemed so important to you at the time?

Me, too! What happened? I had a great plan. I was going to ride in the Olympics, I was going to be the first female billionaire, and I was going to show everyone who ever told me I couldn't, that I most certainly could.

Less than SMART

I wrote out my goals, followed the SMART plan, and outlined steps. Many times I started on that journey, but then I lost track or got derailed. Even worse, I allowed myself to accept too many "out" goals—the "sub" goals that are close seconds but not the main objective. I've reached so many of these that I'm a little embarrassed. However, knowledge is power, and I started to get clearer as I went. Now my goal-setting methods bring me successes instead of almosts.

However, that doesn't mean that the goal-setting theories of old are ideal for today. The old SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound), while a great base, are no longer the ideal framework for goal achievement in a world inundated with a knowledge base that is doubling every 12 hours. With this in mind, our adaptability and alignment are key to our success. In this article, I will walk you through why redefining how we set our goals is crucial and how to take the first steps before sharing my favorite three methods of "New Age" goal setting that turn possible successes into probabilities and definites.

"It's Time to Redefine How and Why We are Setting Our Goals -

Before We are Left Behind!" Lisa Murphy

Why We Need to Redefine How We Set Goals

In today’s fast-paced world, traditional goal-setting methods often fall short. Here’s why redefining our approach is essential:

1. Adaptability:

Rapid changes in technology, economy, and society require flexible goals that can adjust to new opportunities and challenges.

2. Relevance:

Aligning goals with current realities ensures they are meaningful.

3. Innovation:

Embracing creativity and new technologies in goal-setting is like taking a short cut to success.

4. Resilience:

Setting goals with a growth mindset helps us view challenges as opportunities, building resilience.

5. Purpose:

Goals that resonate with our core values and motivations drive our passion and reinforce our commitment.

Quote by Tony Robbins that reads, "Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people oversetimate what they can accomplish in a year, and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade."
Tony Robbins has reached a few goals!

How to Redefine Our Goal-Setting Approach

To thrive in a dynamic world, we need to rethink our goal-setting process:

1. Flexible Frameworks:

Use adaptable goal-setting methods to stay relevant amidst change. My mentor, Tony Robbins often says people "overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10."

2. Context Awareness:

Regularly assess and adjust goals based on global trends and personal circumstances. BE willing to honor yourself and your changes. Cultivate a degree of understanding that with knowledge increasing at a rate unthought of just 50 years ago (or less), there will need to be things we adjust in our plans on a regular basis.

3. Innovative Thinking:

Foster creativity with new tools and methodologies. Use traditional methods such as Brain-Dumping, Brainstorming, and Group-Think sessions, coupled with AI technology to put you are the forefront of your own game.

4. Resilience Focus:

Plan for setbacks and develop strategies to overcome them. Challenges are a part of life - whether it is time constraints, finances, family, work, or something else - if you have lived at all, you know things don't always go to plan, but you usually come out stronger after facing a challenge. Be ready and look to mentors and coaches to help you when and where needed.

5. Value Alignment:

Ensure goals reflect core values for sustained motivation. This includes your life values, your ethics, and your mission or passion in life. One of the main ingredients to the rocket-fuel for success is having an internal motivation sparked by true alignment.

6. Community Engagement:

Leverage support and accountability from like-minded individuals, mentors, coaches, masterminds, and networking groups that support your growth and development while keeping you accountable.

By redefining our basis for our goals, we can navigate change effectively and achieve greater fulfillment. Now on to the 3 Top Strategies I have used in my life to be selected to a "Developing Rider's List" for the US Equestrian Team (one of 5 people selected out of a pool of hundreds); to be the Top Producing New Agent for companies Like Bankers Life, AFLAC, and Farmers, and to reach the majority of every goal I have ever set in my life.

I'm No Psychologist - But I did Stay at a Holiday Inn Express Once

For those of you that remember that commercial - it makes a great point. Sometimes we gain knowledge through success and proximity. What I mean to say is that I developed these Goal-Setting for Success techniques as a result of my own successes and by learning from others over a period of nearly half-a-century.

Step 1: Re-Defining How We Set Goals

Write it out.

Seriously. Take 5 minutes for each of the following categories in your life and Brainstorm on a piece of paper (yes, in your own handwriting) as many goals as you can think of in each of these 4 areas of your life. Dream Big. Brainstorm - be wild, don't qualify whether it is reasonable, just blurt out anything that you can think of. Set a timer and GO! (See this article on why writing by hand is important.)

  1. Personal Life - Self, Family, Friends, and more.

  2. Career/Mission/Purpose - Work, Side-Hustles, Creative Focus, Income Generation, etc.

  3. Adventures/Life Celebrations - Vacations, Toys, Vacation Homes, ???

  4. Contributions/Support - How will you help others with your success?

Now go back and give each item a year in which you would like to achieve this. Don't worry about being reasonable - just write a year next to each one.

A quote by unknown that reads: Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods."
A Golden Rule of Goal Attainment.

Step 2: Dialing In

Now, go back and circle the TOP 3 goals in each category - the ones that are most likely to help you achieve any of the remaining goals. They might help you achieve 1 or more of the other goals through income, bravery, connections, or via yet unknown means.

From these 3 in each category, choose the TOP 1 that is most important to you, the one you are most likely to succeed at first, or the one that really lights that fire in your soul.

The final part of this step is to take another 5 minutes to write out (a braindump is fine) every aspect of this goal that you can think of. What you will need to do, have, achieve, or work on to accomplish this goal. Write out all of the details of this goal. For instance if one of your personal goals is to have a new car this year - write out the year, make, model, features, colors, and get down to every specific you can think of - don't waste time looking up these details, just pull every bit you can see in your mind. Then, write out WHY you want or need this. Write out what will change for the better in your life and the lives of your friends and family when you achieve this. Then write out what will happen to you if you don't achieve this goal? How will your life stay the same or maybe even change for the worse? Write that out. Write out why you MUST achieve this goal and why you cannot bear to just stay the same or even get worse.

Step 3: Put Some Gasoline on the Fire

Now is the time to create commitment:

To Yourself

If you need to, write out why you deserve to have this in your life! Write out three actions that will ensure your success on each of these goals. Break those three actions into smaller moves and define a celebration for each successful move. Put it in your calendar. Get an accountability partner. Choose a friend, a family member, find a coach or a mentor. Get someone who will hold your feet to the fire and whom you respect enough to honor your commitment.

To Your Future

As humans, we crave growth—it is just a part of our makeup. If we are not growing, we are dying. Look back and review what you wrote down as to why you must.

To Those You Will Impact

Review what you wrote about the positive impact your success will have on others—your family, your friends, your community.

To Flexibility

Sometimes life changes—be flexible, be resilient. Use all these points as motivation.

The more often you can rewrite these goals and a few steps, the faster you will see success happen. However, if the most you can muster is rereading these goals once a day, start small—just start. Building resolve by activating our neural pathways to seek success almost guarantees success for us. Of course, it will take effort and work toward the goals on your part. However, you will find the work comes more easily when you get your mental state to align with the dreams in your heart. These three steps have brought me the greatest successes in my life.

A high-resolution photograph of a woman sitting at a desk in a calm, minimalist setting, writing down goals in a notebook. The desk has only a few
Writing and reviewing multiple times a day is a fast-track to success.


  • What is the importance of goal setting?

  • This question addresses the foundational aspect of success and can resonate deeply with your audience, providing them with a clear understanding of why setting goals is crucial.

  • How do I ensure my goals align with my values?

  • This question highlights the importance of authenticity and alignment, which are essential for maintaining motivation and achieving meaningful success. It helps readers connect their personal values with their goals, making their journey more fulfilling.

  • What should I do when facing setbacks?

  • This question offers practical advice for overcoming challenges, which is a common experience for anyone striving for success. It can provide your readers with the resilience and mindset needed to persevere through difficulties.

The Bottom Line ...

Redefining how we set goals and then taking those 3 Steps will produce more successful outcomes for you. My life is proof of this. I know it seems tedious, but if we aren't willing to invest enough time in ourselves to really pinpoint out goals, in writing, then we are just dreamers. Goals are achieved through focused work, dedication, education, and commitment. If you have questions about this process, start with smaller short-term goals, and really dedicate yourself to this practice. Let me know your successes and your struggles. Together we might carve an even better path!

Be Awesome~ Lisa


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